
Frequently Asked Questions

1. What services do you offer?

We offer everything from feasibility, to concept design, to construction and OC management. Our service will take your idea through the approval process and into Construction. We will be with you through each step of the journey, ensuring a smooth process, and we won't just leave you at that stage, we can also continue with you along the construction journey through to when the builder hands over your keys to your project.

2. How long have you been in business?

Profectus Design has been active since 2023, but really started servicing clients in January of 2024. The founder has 10 years of experience and has worked on many projects within the residential, commercial and industrial sectors of architecture. Over the 10 years, half of that was working under a Registered Architect managing a team of architects and building designers. He has gained a clear understanding of council and state codes, BCA and Australian Standards.

3. How do I get started with your services?

We like to meet you first, whether in person or over a video call and get to know you and what your wanting to achieve with this project. It is important we are comfortable with each other so we can ensure your project is completed above your expectations. Once we tick all those boxes, we will send you a proposal and brief of your project. You sign the dotted line and pay the first deposit and away we go.

4. What is your pricing structure?

We have 2 different packages Deluxe and Luxury Package, our deluxe is more than what you get from other firms as we believe it is important for more information to go out to builders than less. Just makes it easier to build. Our luxury package is even more again.
We will price each job according to the brief and will let you know within a day from having our first discussion.

5. What payment methods do you accept?

We currently accept bank transfer only. However, we are working with a payments merchant to start allowing PayPal and card payments.

6. How does your team handle the approval process?

We have many years of dealing with Council and Certifiers. We know the tricks of the trade to get our DA's approved and our CDC projects approved as quick as possible. The key, clear communication and adherence to the code. Sometimes we even push Council a bit and deviate from the codes in order to achieve a bit more, with a strong justification and communication with Council, we are confident we can get your project to completion in the fastest time possible.

7. What levels of Construction Documentation do you provide?

We like to think we go above and beyond. Construction Documentation is the holy grail for builders during construction, these are their instructions on how to build the project. We pride ourselves on the level of documentation we provide and the checking behind it to ensure each project is ready for any builder to take on the project.

8. Do I need Development Application (DA) Approval or a Complying Development Certificate (CDC)?

Yes, you will need one or the other. Depending on your project, we will provide you with the best pathway to approval, the pathway that will benefit your site the most.

9. What kind of projects does Profectus Design do?

We work on basically everything we are allowed to work on, from residential, commercial to industrial we can do it all, at least, everything that isn't a Class 2,3 or 9c development. We will be registered as a Design Practitioner in the very near future to allow us to complete some types of buildings within this class, it just isn't in our catalogue just yet.

10. Can you recommend other consultants and engineers that might be required?

Definitely! We have a very strict process for onboarding consultants and engineers. We want to work with the best, to give YOU the best. There is nothing worse that working with consultants that aren't efficient and have the same eye for detail as us. It just doesn't like right! So we've implemented a strict onboarding process to ensure that all our consultants are well vetted before we start working with them.

11. Can you help us to find a builder?

We most certainly can help you find a builder. If you don't have a builder when you come see us, we can even offer you a Design and Build contract instead of just a design contract. This is where, we will bring one of our builders along with us to the initial meeting so we can discuss the project, we will provide you with a fee for both works and continue the project from there.
During our time in the industry, we have noticed that there is a lot of confusion when clients go from a designer to managing a builder. The Design and Build approach removes that confusion and makes it easier and much less stressful for you. This is one of our ways to ensure a smooth project from start to completion for you! Check out our partners section on our website.

12. What is the difference between a Building Designer and an Architect?

A Building Designer and an Architect both design buildings one is just registered under the Building Design Act, the other Architects Institute. For the most part, apart from the words "Architect" only being able to be used by Architects, the work they both produce are much the same. Given our history working for a registered architect, the level of detail we provide as Building Designers is at the quality, if not above, that of an Architect. We really pride ourselves on the level of detail we put into each project.